AV Life During COVID-19

AV Innovative Design is constantly monitoring governmental and health organization updates across the US and the world. We are currently speaking with our clients on a daily basis on what resuming business looks like for them and us. We plan on being strong as ever after this is all over.

All of our employees practice the guidelines that the governments are giving to us. We are also considered essential when working with our healthcare clients.

Additionally, all of our employees are utilizing any free time to increase their AV industry training and certifications. We are working on our Zoom certifications, Crestron, Dante, Crestron, Cisco, etc.

We’ll get through this and all be better for it!

Please stay safe and healthy, and let us know if we can help you in any way. From work-from-home videoconferencing solutions to designs for future office construction, please contact us!

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